Monday, June 18, 2012

Reco Foushee: A Man of Vision and Ambition

You can tell from a conversation with him that Reco Foushee is a man of values. When asked to describe himself, some words used were “Black”, “independent”, “strong”, and “determined”. Foushee credits his mother as an inspiration. “She raised me on her own by herself,” Foushee explained via e-mail. “I admire her strength and independence and strive to be like her.” Foushee’s independence and drive are further inspired by his father’s death. “My dad died when I was fourteen. After that experience, I would always do things on my own,” Foushee wrote. He began working at a young age and helping his mother pay the bills.
Foushee also commented that his humorous nature was a strong point. “I’m always known for saying whatever comes to mind. I know there are a lot of people like that, but it just comes natural to me,” he said. Foushee clearly has a firm knowledge of himself and great pride in himself. In spite of this, or perhaps because of it, the junior journalism & mass communication major from Durham is modest and industrious. Foushee reported that he is frequently praised at Wal-mart, where he works as a deli associate, “for being a good worker and handling customers well.” He also stated that his responsibility has made him a role model for others. “Most of my friends and family always praise me for being one of the few in [my] family in college. My friends admire me for working and going to school because I'm setting an example [for them],” Foushee wrote. Foushee lists the things he’s passionate about as being his family, going to school, working, and maturing as a person.
Although he is certainly practical and a realist, Foushee is not without big dreams.  Reco Foushee is a creative soul, but he has little desire for the spotlight. His studies are primarily in broadcast production, which he hopes will lead to a career in sound effects and audio editing for radio or television broadcasts. Foushee has some experience in this field, citing a high school internship at WUNC-Radio in downtown Durham as the beginning of his broadcast production career.
 Foushee also expressed interest in writing scripts for movies or possibly songs for artists. “I used to write stories and poems in high school. I had stopped recently, but I plan to start again soon,” Foushee stated. His plans for the future aren’t fully developed yet, but Foushee said that in ten years, he expects to hold a bachelor-of-the-arts degree in journalism and a master’s degree in business. If behind-the-scenes broadcast editing doesn’t work out, Foushee said he’d like to own a business or start a clothing line. Foushee made it a point that no matter what industry he was involved in, he wants to help others like himself who come from at-risk communities.
All in all, Reco Foushee is a man of priorities who is about his business and has a strong sense of self. In his own words, Foushee “strive[s] for everything” and is “very determined.” There is no doubt that this ambition and determination will take him to great heights, so remember the name Reco Foushee, because you will be hearing it again.

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